A warm Chaplin welcome
You've found Luther and Rosanne's website!
Little People
We are two little people who are blessed to look after three even littler people, and it was when our littlest was having a tearful night that this project began. Quick Dad! Something to distract, something fun and hopefully soporific too. "Here are some monkeys. Shhhh...
...And here is an elephant..." The words came, the girl (eventually) slept, and the story was born!
What Luther didn't realise, and was reluctant to even give her a chance with, was how well his remarkable wife would put pictures to this bouncy journey. The project turned out to be very special, as we talked about each page and drew and edited (and re-edited and re-edited) until finally we've self-published what is our first book, using the very fitting business name Little People's Publishing.
Bounce with us!
If you could help us along, maybe by putting a copy in the hands of a little person you know, and maybe by telling other customers what you thought of the book by leaving a review (it makes a big difference!) then thank you so much.
The product page on Amazon (UK) is www.amazon.co.uk/Bounce-Your-Worries-Luther-Chaplin/dp/1068653809/
Follow our authoring and artistic journey on Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557519842661
Are more books coming? Ideas seem to be! And we hope they might take shape soon.
Little Peep Inside
Pages 23-26